12. January 2019 - 17:00

Spectrum: Moulds – Performance Programme

Spectrum: Moulds – Performance Programme
Event location: 

In Haraldur Jónsson‘s mid-career retrospective, Spectrum, a selection of works from his career spanning three decades are on display. He has created work in different media and performance makes up an essential part of his oeuvre. As in other works, in his performance Haraldur attempts a distillation of human existence. He has examined everything related to how we sense our surroundings, process our experiences, express ourselves and communicate. What is the relation between man and space, consciousness and environment?

The performance programme Moulds is threefold, each event introducing previous performance work together with the premiere of a new one. The programme takes place in Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir on Saturdays, 17 November, 8 December and 12 Januar and begins after official opening hours of the museum at 17h00.

Free entry with admission.

Free entrance with a museum ticket and for holders of Annual Pass/Culture Pass.