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The exhibition explores the role of visual illusion in Icelandic art from the middle of the 1960s until today. Included are paintings and sculptures by the artists Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Ólafur Elíasson, JBK Ransu and others. The way artists use colors, lights and shapes in a variety of media to create a feeling of disorientation examined.

Saturday 19 September 2 p.m.
Kjarvalsstaðir – Blink
Workshop and guided tour for the family.

Sunday 4 October 3 p.m.
Kjarvalsstaðir – Blink
Panel discussions. Þóra Þórisdóttir discusses Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir’s art, Árni Kristjánsson Professor of Psychology discusses visual perception, illusions and art, and artist JBK Ransu gives speech about Op Art not as science but as an alluring and accessible visual language with the “PopOp-concept” in mind.

Sunday 18 October 2 p.m.
Kjarvalsstaðir – Blink
Workshop and guided tour for the family
Ari Ólafsson Associate Professor of physics conducts a workshop focusing on optics and pendulum.

Sunday 8 November 2 p.m.
Kjarvalsstaðir – Blink
Guided tour and workshop for the family.

Invitation card: 
Exhibition opening images: 
Events related to exhibition: 
Laugardag 19. september kl. 14 Kjarvalsstaðir – Blik Fjölskylduleiðsögn og smiðja. Sunnudag 4. október kl. 15 Kjarvalsstaðir – Blik Málþing Þóra Þórisdóttir rekur feril Eyborgar Guðmundsdóttur myndlistarkonu, en verk hennar skipa veigamikinn sess á sýningunni. Árni Kristjánsson dósent í sálfræði við Háskóla Íslands, ræðir um skynjun, skynvillur og myndlist og myndlistarmaðurinn JBK Ransu mun fjalla um Op ekki sem vísindi heldur sem tælandi útlit og aðgengilegt myndmál með hugtakið „PopOp“ í huga. Sunnudag 18. október kl. 14 Kjarvalsstaðir – Blik Fjölskylduleiðsögn og smiðja Ari Ólafsson dósent í tilraunaeðlisfræði leiðir smiðju um ljósfræði og pendúla. Sunnudag 8. nóvember kl. 14 Kjarvalsstaðir – Blik Fjölskylduleiðsögn og smiðja.

Click on the pictures to view some more on Instagram and post your own by using the #hashtag of the exhibition.
Remember to follow Reykjavík Art Museum on @reykjavikartmuseum.