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D33 Anna Fríða Jónsdóttir: Tone

The world is full of sound waves with different frequency which we perceive through our senses. The waves travel from sender to recipient, they are a form of communication for anyone who listens.

On her travels, Anna Fríða searches for harmony in her surroundings, she listens out for certain notes. She views the world around her as a wide selection of musical instruments; kettledrums, piano, bells and strings. In her work, she captures the sound waves and creates a form for them. She becomes the nature´s conductor, standing on a wooden log and conducting a forest symphony orchestra, making music from brainwaves and trying to influence them with her voice, building a composition from sharp gusts of wind and the pull of the ocean waves.

Anna Fríða delves into speculations about life; of how we handle the complexity of our everyday lives, how we get carried away by the day-to-day grind, how we feel anxious about not staying on top of all the things that are required of us. The water becomes muddy and we flap helplessly in the surf. All we can hear is the deafening noise of the sea and our senses stop perceiving what is really important. In her work Tone, Anna Fríða reflects her musings on nature and tries to divide up the whole. She wants to give each ripple on the water enough room to create a complete circle which expands gradually until it disappears into the surface. 

Anna Fríða Jónsdóttir (1984) studied visual arts at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2010 and finished a Master´s degree in Art and Science at The University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Her work and performances have been widely exhibited, she has participated in many group exhibitions in Iceland, USA and Europe. Recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition in Laugalækjargallerý (2016), an opening performance at the exhibition Kingdom: Flora, fauna, fabula in Reykjavík Art Museum (2016) and she also participated in the exhibition The Silver Lining on behalf of Liechtenstein at the Venice Biennale in 2015. Jónsdóttir lives and works in Reykjavík. 

Anna Fríða is the 33rd artist to exhibit her work in the D-Hall series which started in 2007. The series aims to give promising artists a chance to hold their first solo exhibition in a public art museum and direct attention to new and exciting currents in the art world.

Klara Þórhallsdóttir
Invitation card: 
Exhibition opening images: 

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Events related to exhibition

Artist Anna Fríða Jónsdóttir
12. April 2018 - 20:00