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HA – Sara Björnsdóttir

Site-specific installations and live performances are at the core of Sara Björnsdóttir’s oeuvre. Her works have a conceptual and critical basis, infused with intuition and sensitivity, which she seeks to balance with strong visual elements.  Through her direct approach to her subject matter, she attempts to stir our sense of our surroundings. Her work can sometimes seem plainspoken and challenging, with highly political and deeply personal implications. The installation HA breaks up the immutable space of the exhibition room with living images of the space itself, creating an ever-changing optical illusion where concrete and subjective realities meet.

Over the past twenty years Sara has gained a reputation for multifaceted, carefully constructed and focused works, which lie on the boundaries of the political and the personal. Despite their strong conceptual and critical basis, her works are equally infused with intuition and sensitivity and there is an emphasis on balancing these elements with the visual. Through her works Sara attempts to stir our sense of our surroundings in a simple but effective manner. 

Overview photos: 
Pétur Thomsen
Hanna Styrmisdóttir
Invitation card: 
Exhibition opening images: 
Events related to exhibition: 
Sunnudag 7. október kl. 15 Hafnarhús – HA-Sara Björnsdóttir Sýningarstjóra- og listamannaspjall. Hanna Styrmisdóttir og Sara Björnsdóttir ræða um innsetninguna.

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Remember to follow Reykjavík Art Museum on @reykjavikartmuseum.