Forseti Íslands heimsækir Reykjavík: Opinn viðburður á Kjarvalsstöðum

The presidential couple Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Eliza Reid will pay an official visit to Reykjavík on Thursday, November 23. Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson and his wife, Arna Dögg Einarsdóttir, will welcome the presidential couple at Reykjavík City Hall and will accompany them around the city. The visit of the presidential couple will be specially celebrated with an open event at Kjarvalsstaðir at 5 p.m. where citizens and other guests will have the opportunity to meet the presidential couple at Kjarvalsstaðir and there will be a variety of entertainment for the whole family. Visitors will also have the opportunity to view Hekla Daggar Jónsdóttir's unique art exhibition: 0° 0° Núlleyja and magnificent works of art by the main masters of Icelandic art in the 20th century.

Everyone is welcome at Kjarvalsstaði between 5 and 7 p.m.

You can read more about the visit on the Reykjavík City website HERE.