6. November 2022 - 14:00

Curators Talk: After the Blizzard

Edda Halldórsdóttir og Aldís Snorradóttir sýningarstjórar. Photo: Hildur Inga Björnsdóttir.
Event location: 

Curators Aldís Snorradóttir and Edda Halldórsdóttir will give a talk about the exhibition Unndór Egill Jónsson og Ásmundur Sveinsson: After the Blizzard at Ásmundarsafn on Sunday, 6 November at 14h00.

In Icelandic. Registration HERE

Unndór Egill Jónsson exhibits his work in a conversation with the work of Ásmundur Sveinsson. Sculptors from different periods meet in dialogue that offers a new insight into Ásmundur’s heritage and introduces new works by a contemporary artist to the viewers. The museum has been working with Ásmund's legacy in this way for some time now.

Free entrance with a museum ticket and for holders of Annual Pass/Culture Pass.