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D15 Dodda Maggý
In her installation Lucy, Dodda Maggý (b. 1981) articulates sound to fashion a vortex that dictates the video image. The sound, a human singing voice that flutters about its designated locations at different decibels, becomes the instrument that orchestrates the appearing and disappearing of the projected performer in the darkened void. In darkness, the unity of the voice and its vessel is denied; but when the singer is illuminated, the intensity of the singing overwhelms the figure. Dodda Maggý has created numerous layers out of the vocal range and amplified its various textures to bring up the “physicality” of the harmonic singing. By rendering the voice into layers and building it into chorus, Dodda Maggý makes it the dominant body in the shadows.
Since she completed her studies at The Icelandic Academy of the Arts in 2004, she has created video, or video and audio pieces, as well as working with music in the art context. Her interest in sound is later enhanced through her studies at Nordic Sound Art (a two-year MFA program jointly organised by The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Malmö Art Academy, Oslo National College of the Arts, and Trondheim Academy of Fine Art) when she was pursuing her graduate degree at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
Though a recent MFA graduate (2009), Dodda Maggý has been showing her work extensively in solo and group exhibitions since 2004 in Iceland, and in various cities in Europe and North America.
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