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Útskriftarsýning Listaháskóla Íslands 2004

Tískuhönnun, siðferði í auglýsingum, mannbætandi herferðir, dósapressa, sjálfslökkvandi útvörp, vídeóverk, málverk, heimasíður, snertihljóðfæri, spil fyrir óþekkar stelpur, kústur sem er líka gítar og gerir heimilisstörfin skemmtilegri, handbók í mótmælum, lífrænn ghetto blaster, teiknimynd með frumsaminni tónlist, gufubað, kjúklingabein, fótbolti úr glæru plasti og jeppar í fullri stærð...

Þetta og margt fleira getur að líta á árlegri útskriftarsýningu nemenda myndlistardeildar og hönnunar-og arkitektúrdeildar Listaháskóla Íslands. Sýningin er haldin í samvinnu við Listasafn Reykjavíkur.

Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir
Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir
Viðburðir tengdir sýningu: 
People's public and private lives are a natural part of the contemporary art scene today. Since the beginning of the 1990-s, the Icelandic artist and writer Thorvaldur Thorsteinssson has investigated the role of the artist, the concept of art and the boundary between art and reality. With tremendous visionary power he brings out art and creativity as a natural part of everyone's life, a whole in which we all take active part. For the present exhibition, I Didn't Do It, Thorvaldur Thorsteinssson has combined older works and new productions, from films and installations to activities taking place far from the walls of the institution. Stimulating, provocative and humours, they show possible ways of seeing and approaching life and reality. The titles indicate the meaning and direction of the works, but their plainness holds a paradox. The works have an ambiguity, a complexity that works as recoil, and suddenly we have to confront ourselves. This is our own choices, fears and possibilities that are made manifest.

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Mundu að fylgja Listasafni Reykjavíkur á @reykjavikartmuseum.