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National Gallery of Iceland - A Selection of 20th Century Works

The exhibition "National Gallery of Iceland - A Selection of 20th Century Works" is witness to one of the fundamental roles of the National Gallery as the premier museum of Icelandic art - to provide general exhibitions of Icelandic art for art lovers, domestic and foreign. The Gallery has met this obligation by producing annually impressive summer exhibitions, where key elements in Icelandic art history have been the focal point presented through some of the most valuable works in the Gallery's collection, which are in this way made accessible to the public at large and shown on the basis of Icelandic art history. The exhibition includes works by the pioneers of the romantic landscape as well as representatives of the 1930s narrative expressionism, the 1960s abstract art and the 1970s concept art.

But the exhibition also bears witness to a growing and laudable spirit of cooperation within the Icelandic art world, as this year it is held at Kjarvalsstadir, by invitation of the Reykjavík Art Museum. The most prominent works in the collection of the National Gallery really stand out in their new environment of the exhibition halls at Kjarvalsstadir. It is our hope that guests will welcome the exhibition and the opportunity to get to know these key works in Icelandic art history in a new light and context.

Events related to exhibition: 
Sunnudaginn 12. júní kl. 15:00, Ólafur Kvaran forstöðumaður Listasafns Íslands annast leiðsögn um sýninguna.

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Remember to follow Reykjavík Art Museum on @reykjavikartmuseum.