Reykjavík Art Museum closed due to ban on gatherings

Reykjavík Art Museum closed due to ban on gatherings

Reykjavik Art Museum will be closed from tomorrow, 24 March due to ban on gatherings.  We expect to open the museum again on 14 April. While closing, we want to cater to our guests in different ways and suggest various ways to enjoy the art.

Tomorrow Tuesday, we will start the artwork of the day, post pictures and information on the museum's website, Facebook and Instagram, and also an easy-to-follow questionnaire on Instagram Story will be linked to each work individually.

On the homepage there are Kahoot games that enthusiasts can get excited about and can be used in distance education or educational games at home. More educational material will be made available on the homepage later.

We encourage people to take advantage of our museum website where you can view the artwork that the museum preserves.

On the homepage you can view exhibitions far back in time.

On the vimeo page of the Reykjavik Art Museum you will find recordings of lectures and seminars held by the museum and interviews with artists.

It is also possible to enjoy the art in the open air, so our good APP for outdoor art is ideal. It's called Reykjavik Art Works or Reykjavik Art Walk and is available for download on iOS and Android phones. There are also audio guides and games.

The Imagine Peace Tower in Viðey island will illuminate the night sky this week.