
Hafnarhús, photo: Hildur Inga Björnsdóttir.

It is now 20 years since the visual arts landed on the harbor bank and the Reykjavik Art Museum opened its doors to Hafnarhús on April 19, 2000.

Reykjavík Art Museum closed due to ban on gatherings

Reykjavik Art Museum will be closed from tomorrow, 24 March due to ban on gatherings.  We expect to open the museum again on 14 April. While closing, we want to cater to our guests in different ways and suggest various ways to enjoy the art.

Reykjavík Art Museum

Reykjavík Art Museum´s events have been postponed from Monday 16 March due to ban on public events. The museum will be open as usually.

Last days of Vanishing Crowd

The last day of the exhibition D40 Una Björg Magnúsdóttir: Vanishing Crowd in Gallery D at Hafnarhús is on Sunday, 15 March.

Sýningaopnun – Ásgerður Búadóttir: Lífsfletir og Jóhannes S. Kjarval: Að utan

Two exhibitions will be opened at Reykjavík Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir, on Saturday 22. Febrúary at 16h00.

Can't Draw a Harebell: Last days

The last day of the exhibition Jóhannes S. Kjarval: Can't Draw a Harebell is Sunday, 16 February.

Wall Drawing #415 A, 1984/2020. Courtesy Liliana Tovar Collection, Stockholm. Photo: Vigfús Birgisson.

A survey of the work of US conceptual artist Sol LeWitt will be opened in Reykjavík Art Museum on Thursday, 13 February at 20h00. This is the first time his work is shown in Iceland.

Museum Night 2019

Become a Cyborg! : Dress as a cyborg and take a photo
LR Trattoria - Pop-up Restaurant